Book Review – Quitter by Jon Acuff

I came across Quitter on one of my “I hate this (insert choice expletive) job and I can’t stand one more day in this (insert choice expletive) place” days.

I read the reviews on Dave Ramsey’s website and felt I’d found someone who understood my kind of situation so I rushed off an order for it.

If you’re looking for a book that empowers you to walk up to your boss ASAP and tell him and his job to “f**k off,” this book isn’t it.

Actually, I’m not sure any book is it but I’ll look into that and report back shortly.

Quitter Review

One thing that jumps out of Quitter once you get into it is Jon Acuff doesn’t encourage you to ditch your job and follow your dreams as soon as you put down the book. It’s about bridging the gap between your day job and your dream job.

What he does instead is advocate excelling as much as you can at your current job while working on getting to the dream job at the same time. How do you do this?

Close the gap between your day job and your dream job with quitter, jon acuff

By starting something on the side and building it up to a point where you are able to walk away from the job sucking the soul out of you.

He also discusses his perspective on how to balance getting to your dreams with everything else going on in your life – work, family, social life, etc.

Quitter shares inspirational stories and a lot of advice that should get you moving as soon as you put down the book. It’s not the kind of book you read and forget about.

You will need to do something. You can’t just walk away from what you learn in it. The book helps you with the transition time between planning to jump ship and jumping ship.

Additionally, Jon discusses the importance of support and the incredible pillar his wife has been through his journey.

If your spouse isn’t on board for the journey, you are in for either a very rough ride or failure because you can’t do it alone.

I will be covering the importance of support, especially when it’s just you, in a future article.

I walked away from Quitter with a peace of mind that helped me continue adapting to my job so it was more bearable for me going forward.

Jon Acuff addresses Christianity here and there but not in a way that could put off non-believers.

There is also some rambling that feels like fillers but this doesn’t take away from the overall message of the book.

About Quitter Author

John Acuff manages the blog Stuff Christians Like and published a book on it. He is now a full-time writer.

He previously worked with Dave Ramsey at Lampo Group doing what he referred to as his dream job but resigned in 2013 for a “new beginning.”

In addition to Quitter, he has also published Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average & Do Work That Matters.

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Anna gave up her 9 – 5 to implement her life plan after paying off over $40,000 in debt. She started The Writer Entrepreneur to share her journey and encourage other people to pay off debt and pursue their life plans. She has been featured on HuffPost, YouQueen & Fitnancials among others. Learn more about Anna HERE.

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