2018 Vision Board Reveal

So I promised to upload my dream board before the end of January and for once, I stuck to the deadline because I’m pretty excited about 2018.

Manifest Your Short & Long Term Goals with a Vision Board

A vision board is a powerful tool for manifesting your short term and long term life goals for yourself. Below is a pic of my 2018 dream board:

2018 vision board reveal and law of attraction

My word for the year is “Balance”. Balance in my choices, my decisions, my goals, and life in general. The conscious decision to choose happiness every day.

I try to focus on a central theme every year, which everything else on the vision board revolves around. 

Setting Goals for 2018

1. Education

I’m going back to school in 2018. The last time I studied for an exam was 2013 and I kinda miss studying (Are you rolling your eyes at this nerd?). Lol.

I’m a self-taught marketer but I think I can benefit from some formal learning so I plan to study some aspects of digital marketing. I’m super excited about this.

2. Time to Pay the Price

Yep. I did the crime during the holidays and the time has come to pay the price by getting my fitness game on so I can offset all the things I binged on the last week of 2017 and the first week of 2018.

Beachbody programs and meal planning to the rescue as usual. I will be starting the year with 21 Day Fix Extreme and Focus T25.

3. Beach Bum for Life

No matter how much work I do this year, I fully intend to get my beach bum on. My travel partner and I have decided on Mauritius and Madagascar so far.

However, it depends on achieving my business goals. You can view where I’ve been already on my Bucket List.

Related Content: How to Create a Vision Board in 5 Easy Steps

beach bum life4. Give Back

The pledge I made to Make a Wish Foundation in December went quite well. If you’re on my Facebook page, you know what that’s about.

Following this, I’ve decided to donate as much as I can to programs that help and take care of children this year. I also plan to volunteer my time where I can.

5. Save Money

Hey, school, charity and beach bum lifestyles cost money so I’m going to need to get my savings on point. I’m pretty good at it already but purse tightening never killed anyone.

For purse tightening ideas, check out my store HERE. I use the techniques to save over $5,000 every year. 

6. Writing

I returned to my first love, fiction writing, in 2017 and received some great feedback from beta readers and buyers. Peep reviews for “The Underwear Defense” from Amazon below:

As a result, I’ve decided to focus more on fiction writing in 2018 in addition to launching the Passive Income course and 3 non-fiction projects.

7. Meditation

Remember how phenomenally successful I was with this in 2017? I will be doing it much more this year.

Mediation is great for better focus, stress reduction, better sleep, self-awareness, the law of attraction and an overall balanced lifestyle.

If you’re new to meditation, you might find this level of concentration tasking but start slow with 1 – 2 minutes then build up from there.

The best time to do this is first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Meditation 101 has some great meditation techniques.

meditation techniques8. Inspire

In 2018, I hope to inspire even more people to live their best lives. To break free of whatever is keeping them from living their truth.

I hope to inspire them to climb the mountain in their paths and finally make a plan to head in the direction of whatever their dreams look like to them. 2 of my writing projects is tied to this goal as well.

[Tweet “”What you seek is seeking you,” – Rumi”]

9. Business Growth & Strategy

I am planning to become location independent ASAP. In order to do this, I need to upscale my online business significantly and wind down my offline business to a certain extent.

There’s a whole section in my planner with an in-depth breakdown of the strategy I plan to use to achieve this before the end of 2018.

That’s why the left side of the board has a lot about growth and strategy.

This is a big to-do list for the year and it’s kinda scary looking at it but it’s important to challenge yourself beyond your comfort zone when it comes to achieving your goals.

I don’t know if I’ll make everything on the list but I do know I’m going to do my damn best.

grow online income

There are a few other personal goals I’ve chosen to include on my affirmation wall instead of the vision board. You only get to see that if you live with me…:p

Have you set your goals for 2018 yet? There’s nothing wrong with having goals in mind for the year.

It’s not just random wishful thinking that no one can achieve so get rid of that thought if it exists. Unsure where to start? Read 9 Things You Should Do to Achieve Your Goals in 2018

Interesting in the process of creating your own vision board, check out Create an Actionable Vision Board Kit, which includes everything you need to create and stay on track with a vision board.

My experience from 2011 with vision boards inspired me greatly while putting this together. Check it out HERE. Use code vision20 for 20% off!

This post may contain affiliate links which means I will make a small commission if you purchase through those links. Read full disclosure HERE.

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