Welcome to the breakdown of what happened with my business and how I did with my vision board goals in 2021 plus what’s in store for 2022.
This is the follow-up to the earlier article on How To Plan For and Set 2022 Goals. The article includes a 2022 workbook as well as daily and weekly planners.
So, 2021 was a lot of sitting at home due to repeated lockdowns which led to the same sort of inertia I mentioned last year.
It was more of a struggle to get out of it this year too but I prevailed and stayed physically active throughout.
We finally started to see the end of lockdowns around September where I live. There are still quite a few restrictions but I’m just happy to get a cup of coffee again.
I started quite a few writing projects last year but only completed the one due by the end of this month.
The constant lockdowns gave me a bit of cabin fever that caused inertia as I mentioned earlier. This was inevitably reflected in my writing but I powered on one day at a time, one word at a time.
Working out every day helped a lot and I also started a personal walking challenge and finished the year at 15,000 steps a day.
I went exactly nowhere in 2021 because of the pandemic, lockdowns, and all the exhaustive rules attached to leaving the country and returning to it.
I’m also self-employed and cannot gamble with my health so I decided to remain immobile for the year.
It was tough but it is what it is. Hopefully, 2022 will bring a change and I can finally start exploring the world again.
2021 was the year of The Great Resignation. So many people decided to take time out for self-care or start their own business while others added a side hustle to their day job. It became more important than ever to develop multiple streams of income.
My business went well in 2021. I’m grateful I didn’t have to apply for any aid to stay afloat and I was able to grow my businesses further.
I also added a business consulting product to my services and demand for this exploded in 2021 because so many people wanted to start their own businesses.
I had a specific income amount for the year and I managed to achieve it. I don’t disclose exact figures online but it was in the range of 6 figures.
At the center of everything I do is my blogging business which continues to be a huge source of income via display advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored partnerships, and self-empowerment products.
If you’re thinking of starting your own blog, have a look at How to Start Your WordPress Blog in 30 Minutes or Less for Beginners for a step-by-step process.
Personal Finance
I was able to fully fund my TFSA and RRSP in 2021 while also topping up my emergency funds.
I started target accounts for a new Macbook, going back to school in 2022/2023 and spoiling myself during the holidays.
The goal for all my target accounts was met and I super-indulged myself during the holidays and donated to my favorite charities.
I also had a target to get my credit score above 800 in 2021 and stuck to best practices for building a good credit score.
Related Content: Check your credit score for free on Borrowell. If you’re in the US, check it on Credit Karma.
I had quite a reading list and had hoped to get through at least 20 books but only made it through 12. I think I did alright.
I made a cute Christmas book tree out of my 2022 reading list. Check it out below:-
What’s In Store for 2022?
- I will continue to grow my blogging business and build new partnerships. I have quite a few backup requests from last year that I need to work through and finalize.
- I intend to focus on my fiction writing as well. I have a lot of stories in me and they are demanding to come out.
- I plan to read a lot more than I did in 2021.
- I started a beauty business project in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic but I didn’t pay much attention to it in 2021 due to my consulting services. I intend to change that in 2022, add more products and get the word out a bit more. It’s all about adding another source of income to my business. I will talk more about this at the end of 2022.
- I really hope I can travel in 2022. I am dying for new food, new history, new people, and new beaches.
- I started swimming classes a few years ago but moving got in the way and I haven’t been in the water for so long, I might as well start again. I would very much like to swim in the deep end of the pool without any anxiety.
And that’s about it. I created a vision board around these goals and it now hangs on my bedroom wall as always.
I usually add a picture of my vision board to these update posts but I stopped doing that in 2019 for privacy reasons. You can catch up on my 2011 – 2019 vision boards HERE.
If you have any questions, drop them in the comments section. I wish you a wonderful 2022!
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